Banking 101

When we were given the opportunity to speak on the phone with a banker, with Eric Campbell to ask him questions about banking me and my group came up with questions you might wonder about. The first question we had for Eric was that if the bank uses our money while it sits in our accounts and why the amount on our account does not change if they do what types of accounts do they choose?  He said that the banks do use our money while it sits in our accounts tangibly. He said that the banks use our money in other investments and use that money to keep themselves alive.

Overall this activity and listening to the radio podcast was a huge learning experience. My questions about the FDIC and how much money they protect was really interesting. Talking to a trust worthy banker and knowing he was not going to hide things away from me was a huge piece of mind.  My follow up questions are if a check is written and payed out at a check cash house and paid out instantly with out verification what was to happen. I did further research and found out more answers to my question this website talks about how the check cashing houses run a huge risk on these checks getting cashed without enough funds.